Holy Day Calendar for 2019....

New Moon Calculators:   For anyone to calculate a moon.
Complete Sun & Moon Data for One Day
Click here Tim

Lunar Perigee and Apogee   Virtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures   US Navel Observatory    Sun or Moon Data for One Day    Scriptures on New Moons   :)


March 20, 2018 is a date that most of us recognize as symbolic of changing seasons.  In 2019 this Vernal Equinox happens on  Mar 21, 2019.    As we welcome spring, people south of the equator are actually gearing up for the cooler temperatures of autumn. What Happens at the Equinox?
Far from being an arbitrary indicator of the changing seasons, March 21 (March 20 in some years and March 19th in some years) is significant for astronomical reasons.  On Mar 21, 2019, the Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator. This moment is known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere, this is the moment of the autumnal equinox.
Equinox Means "Equal Night"   Translated literally, equinox means "equal night." Because the sun is positioned above the equator, day and night are about equal in length all over the world during the equinoxes. A second equinox occurs each year on Approximately September 21;  In 2018 this will be on Sept 22nd  2018.  (The Roman Calendar declairs this the 1st day of Fall)  This date will mark the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the vernal equinox in the Southern (vernal denotes "spring").   Fall Holy Days are calculated from the New Moons, not necessarily the Equinox's, but the Equinoxes tell the time of the year.  Holy days are counted from new moons, not equinoxes,

In order to have the Passover and Equinox in the first month, and the spring green starting in March,  I have picked New Moon on  Phase of the Moon on April 5, 2019: New Moon at 2:50 a.m. (local daylight time) This day probably reflects the day of the rebirth of the Moon.  The true invisible conjunction. This makes April 5th the first day of the First Month as it is early in the morning.   This is after the equinox as the biblical spring of the year.  Since that is the mathimatical calculation of the Spring  new moon.   That is also the Scientific calculation of the new moon by the US Naval Observatory.  I do not use the Jewish traditional reasoning as my standard.   I looked at all the discussion regarding having the 1st day of the year before or after the Equinox and with all the angles of suggested and quoted scriptures and finally think that the 1st day can possibly be before the equinox, but very close, so Passover can be in the first month.   This year it is after the Equinox so easier to confirm.

Dates of Moon Phases in 2019 Year

Below you can find dates and hours of all Moon Phases in 2019 Year. All dates and times are given both in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and America/Denver Time Zone time. Times are shown in Daylight Savings Time when necessary and in Standard Time in the other cases.  But we went to latitude and longitude of Wheatland, WY for our exact calculation.  Because I use Wheatland time and visibility to calculate the sabbath, I also use this time and area to calculate the Holy Days.

Perigees and Apogees  UTC times.

Biblical Holy Day Calendar for 2019 (Based on the Moon)  
The Phase of the Moon on Phase of the Moon on April 5, 2019: New Moon at 2:50 a.m. (local daylight time)  The first new moon is after the Equinox in 2019

The following information is provided for Wheatland, Platte County, Wyoming (longitude W105.0, latitude N42.1):                    

    Phase of the Moon on April 5, 2019: New Moon at 2:50 a.m.  (local daylight time) This day probably reflects the day of the rebirth of the Moon.  The true invisible conjunction. This makes Phase of the Moon on April 5, 2019: New Moon at 2:50 a.m. It is early in the morning April 5th.  So we will back up to the last sundown to count the New Moon.

Passover April 18th, 2019   (Starts evening before On April 17th,  Wednesday evening)
Counting to Abib 14.  Abib 14 starts when the sun goes down.

    The commanded Passover Meal is after sundown (Wed night) on the beginning of Abib 14. Of Mar April 17, 2019 Just after Sundown) Passover Day on the April 18,, 2019.
    The commanded service of taking the bread, wine and foot washing comes after the main (regular) meal.  This is
    Christ's Passover meal also.  We will also observe that Special Night to be Much Observed (Exo. 12.42), not
   Abib 15 as the traditional doctrine believes.  (see Passover is the Feast)  He had to be off the cross before the Jewish Passover, remember.

The First Day of Unleavened Bread /Better known as the First day of the Passover starts late afternoon on April 17, 2019 (Wed night) at the going down of the sun.  Making that the Passover day and 1st Day of UB/1st Day of the Passover...is  April 18th, that evening before would be Christ's Passover Ceremony.   This then matches the OT with the NT.
       The First Holy Day will  continue all through the 1st day. (Which is the 14th day of Abib).  The Unleavened Bread will last for only 7 days which is called the Feast of the Passover.   (See this explanation) Not 8 days as one scripture indicates, which is conflict with all of the rest.

         The Seventh day of the Feast of the Passover (Unleavened Bread) is on April 18th, (Saturday 2018)

April 24, 2019  would be the
        last day of The Passover week or the 21th day of the 1st abib month.

            This last (7th) day coincides with Abib 20. and ends the 7-- 24 hr periods at about 7:00 in the
            evening of Apr 24th . (Or as is stated "until" (the start) of the 21st day of Abib..."April 24th") (Not inclusive of the 21st day of Abib which would make the Days of UB 8 days.)

     April 1st is the Feast of First of the First Fruits   (Sunday) or:
 Waive Sheaf Day (Sunday) Apr 21, 2019  (Lev 23:9-14  
          Go to the weekly Sabbath during the week of UB.  
          Then morning after the Sabbath.  It is Waive Sheaf  Sunday.
 In 2019 this day is during the week of UB.

  Coincidentally this coinsides with Easter, but not every year.      ("...on the day after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.)       Is that in the Bible?  Is it a Holy Day?   Is it to be kept forever?



Jewish Reasoning or "Forbidden Days"       The UCG and LCG does not understand the Jewish Calendar
Admissions on the Calculated Rabbinical Calendar               Inconveniences are not Postponements

Forbidden Days of the Week = x


























The Jews do not want to interrupt the day of preparation so they postpone the Holy Days to fit their man made schedule, so that no one has a hardship on a preparation day.  We do not accept this circular reasoning.  So no matter when the new moon comes or the count comes out, they stay away from Fridays for holy days.  also the chart shows the other days of the week they stay away from, with the x in the box.


   Feast of Weeks    June 10, 2019 sorry about the wrong calculation earlier  (Monday)   (Pentecost) Article 1Article 2,  An old Pastor Understood this.    
     Article 3   
Lev 23:15  'And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed.  Lev 23:15  'And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, (In other words, the day after the Sabbath is Sunday) from (Sunday) the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: (the day after Sunday is day one) seven Sabbaths shall be completed.
 What is the day after the Wave sheaf Sunday?  Simply that is Monday and Monday is Day (1) one in our count to 50.  Pentecost means count 50, not 49.

            Feast of Trumpets      Closest Primary Moon Phase: New Moon on September 28, 2019 at 12:26 p.m. (local daylight time).   So the Feast of Trumpets would be on September 29, 2019 because it is about 16 hours after sundown on the 9th.  So the Truest New Moon day is  Sept, 28, 2019. but it still is invisible on into the 29th.  So to make the FOT First Day, come out on a full moon looking at the month/moon both ways, I conceed that Sept 29, 2019 would make the month come out more accurate. I've weighed the lengths of the month before and after the fall 7th month new moon, and conceed it may need to be advanced to the 29th.  I'm still a bit uncomfortable with advancing it to the "full moon", or the full 15th day after the new moon. I know a moon take approx 29 days, or 14 1/2 days from full to new.  Sometimes the calculation may need advanced for FOTab as the First Day of FOTab is on the 15th day.  I can easily be corrected and more evidence can be submitted to back me up a day.  If anyone knows of a scripture that indicates the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles MUST be on a full moon, please let the webmaster know.

Now I don't live in Jerusalem, so I will just have to use Wyoming Time to Calculate a New Moon here. So I conceed to Sept 29, 2019 as the magical memorial day of blowing of Trumpets.

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.  Lev 23:24

             Closest Primary Moon Phase: New Moon on September 28, 2019 at 12:26 p.m. (local daylight time) starts the correct new moon.. Wyoming Mountain Daylight Time.  Since it is so late on Saturday that sundown is eminent so that Factually Makes Sept 29, 2019. the 1st day of the 7th month.  When you look at 15 days later to Make a full moon on the day before the Feast of Tabernacles.  because of the half days involved here it probably was intended and it works out that way most years.   So to make the FOTab come out on a full moon looking at the month/moon both ways, I conceed that Sept 29, 2019 would make the month come out more accurate.  And the true full moon is on Sept 28, 12:26 p.m. 6 hrs before sundown.  But then again it gets convoluted when you count to the full moon.


When you go back to the new moon on this month and the next month, and take the half way point to make the full moon. It is  easy to see why they have advanced the FOT one part day.  The rabinnical calculation only advances one extra day it so they can postpone it so nothing lands on a friday or sunday.  Phase of the Moon on October 13, (Sunday) 2019: Full Moon at 3:08 p.m. (local daylight time)  So I concede it might be Oct 14-20 on LCG or UCG calendars, but then again the Holy Days are calcuated from the New Moons not the Full Moons. Oct 14th is on a Monday, and the Jews would not like it to be on a Sunday.  So the inspired pocket calendar says the FOT is Oct 14-20.  It might be right but I don't really think so.  Using the New Moon as the count, the FOT would be Oct 13-19, 2019.  And that is advancing the New moon in Sept 29 6 hrs to start the Feast already.  So advancing it a complete additional day to fit the full moon better is some peoples thinking, but I'm not at all sure they have it right.


  I'm trying to stay away from rabinnical calculation as it usually so biased for tradition and not from God.

           Day of Atonement = Oct 8, 2019 (Lev. 23:27) Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement:  Oct 8th is the 10th day after the new moon in the 7th Month.  Probably not good Jewish reasoning, but Great Biblical reasoning.  I have noticed that sometimes these days don't match "The Inspired Pocket Calendar".  (Pun Intended).


            Feast of Tabernacles (7 day Feast of TabernaclesOctober 13, 2019  Lev 23:34 The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD.

            Phase of the Moon on Closest Primary Moon Phase: Full Moon on October 13 later in the day (local daylight time) Mountain Daylight Time  
             First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles is on  October 13, 2019  the Full moon and the 1st day of FOT is about the same exact time.   But the Feast of Tabernacles is on the 15th day of the 7th month.   The 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles  would start On   October 19th, 2019   (The 15th day of the 7th Month)  (But the count starts on the New Moon and is not proved by the Full moon.)

So we are kind of backing up here if we were to use the full moon as an indicator.  We don't, we start the count from the New Moon.

Many of the COG churches and Jewish recogning use the October 14th as the first day of  the FOT.  That neither fits the plan for an invisible conjunction new moon but kinda of look-see at the correct full moon for those that like to see full moons for the FOT.  They will have only  possibly missed it by maybe 1 day. Because in 2019 that would be a better full moon.  That is if you use the full moon as the sign of the count, the natural observation, but not necessarily the biblical observation of the New moon.  14 1/2 days after the New moon rotation.  NOT an exact 15 days.

            Last Great Day  =  October 20, 2019

This is all calculated in MST and not Jerusalem Time.  As we do not observe the Sabbath based on Jerusalem time but on MST or sundown to sundown in the area of which we live.





















What is a New Moon and What is a Full Moon, and Why?

More Information:


New and Full Moons

Forbidden Days - Postpone God’s Holy Days ??            Problems with the Hebrew Calendar
Jewish Reasoning or "Forbidden Days"      
The UCG does not understand the Jewish Calendar
Admissions on the Calculated Rabbinical Calendar               Inconveniences are not Postponements

Forbidden Days of the Week
























The Holy Day arrangement for the year is determined by rules (traditions of men) that aim to prevent Yom Kippur (Atonement) from occurring either before or after the Sabbath. Thus making the "Day of Preparation" (Fri.) or the Preparation for the weekly Sabbath, more important than the High Day.

Frequently Asked Questions (From the US Naval Observatory)

... About Phenomena of the Sun and Moon

  How do I find Sun and Moon rise and set times?
  How do I find out about the phases of the Moon or the percent of the Moon illuminated?
  What does the Moon look like today?
  Why do the rise/set times in the One-Year Table seem to be off by an hour?
  Why do I have problems in printing the One-Year Table?

... About Time

  What are the U.S. time zones?
  What are the world time zones?
  When does daylight time begin and end?
  What time is it? (USNO Time Service)


For Your Information about ...

Phenomena of the Sun and Moon

  Rise, Set, and Twilight Definitions
  References on Eclipses
  Lengths of Longest and Shortest Days
  Length of Day and Night at the Equinoxes
  The Dark Days of Winter
  Visibility of the Crescent Moon

Calendars and Historical Events

  Introduction to Calendars
  Leap Years
  U.S. Holidays
  The International Date Line
  The 21st Century and the 3rd Millennium
  The First Sunrise of the New Millennium

US Naval Observatory Master Clock Time (The Correct Time)


How does God count a Day?


 Now United and Living use the Following Schedule.  The new moons do not exactly agree with this schedule.


2017 Date
Passover *++ April 10
Feast of Unleavened Bread * April 11-17
Pentecost* June 4
Feast of Trumpets* September 21
Day of Atonement * September 30
Feast of Tabernacles* October 5-11
The Eighth Day* October 12
* Begins evening before; ++ Observed evening before  


2018 Date
Passover *++ March 30
Feast of Unleavened Bread * March 31 - April 6
Pentecost* May 20
Feast of Trumpets* September 10
Day of Atonement * September 19
Feast of Tabernacles* September 24-30
The Eighth Day* October 1
* Begins evening before; ++ Observed evening before  


2019 Date
Passover *++ April 19
Feast of Unleavened Bread * April 20-26 
Pentecost* June 9
Feast of Trumpets* September 30
Day of Atonement * October 9
Feast of Tabernacles* October 14-20
The Eighth Day* October 21
* Begins evening before; ++ Observed evening before  
* Observed Previous Evening